Features |
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HiFlow3 provides a great range of features and functionalities that go beyond standard Finite Element software toolkits. In the following, we list the most essential ones among these:
#### I/O:
* Generic, flexible and competent interface via xml input files
* Parallel and sequential mesh I/O in VTK format
* User-extensible I/O concept
#### Usability:
* Easy-to-set-up user applications facilitated using powerful HiFlow3 core library
#### Mesh treatment, FEM and DoF setup:
* Dimension-independent treatment of meshes
* Indexing and iteration via topological and geometrical data computation and storage
* Triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral, hexahedral and pyramidal cells
* User-extensible cell type concept with arbitrary dimension
* Association of user data to mesh entities of all dimensions
* Computation of all sub-entity and neighborhood relations through a highly interconnected FEM and DoF module
* Simple iteration over entities, sub-entities and neighbor entities
* User-extensible iterators
* Continuous and discoutinuous Galerkin elements
* Isotropic and adaptive refinement and coarsening of all cell types
* Arbitrary refinements via user-defined refinement trees
* Communication of distributed meshes over MPI
* Mesh partitioning and distribution
* Interface to METIS abd ParMETIS library for partitioning
* h- or p-refinement
#### Uncertainty quantification for PDE problems:
* Generalized Polynomial Chaos Expansion (gPCE)
* Hyperbolic truncature
* Mixed multivariate distributions
* Legendre and Hermite basis polynomial expansions
* User-extensible Chaos Polynomial interface
* Preconditioner: Mean-based, Multilevel, ILU
* Special linear algebra routines and structures suitable for stochastic spectral methods
#### High-Performance Computing and Parallelization:
* Parallel data management, distributed data structures, data movement
* Highly efficient, scalable Linear Algebra and Solver module (among others with GMRES-, FGMRES-, PGMRES, CG-, PCG-Solvers and Block-Jacobi type of Preconditioners)
* Local LA toolbox provides the basic classes for the local multi-platform linear algebra objects (vector, matrices, preconditioners)
* Global LAtoolbox provides the global communication layer including managing coupling data; local data handling via the "lmpLAtoolbox" (multi-platform LA toolbox)
* Interfaces to PETSc and Hypre Preconditioners Libraries
* Hardware-aware multi-platform-capable implementation of solvers and FE code structure
* Interfaces for Intel and AMD multi-core CPUs (OpenMP parallel algorithms, Intel MKL, ATLAS) and NVIDIA GPUs (CUDA, CUBLAS).
#### Quality Management and Documentation:
* Quality checks and comprehensive test suite available and automatically executable (currently 23 tests, all automated)
* Benchmark applications and tutorials included and well documented
* Doxygen documented routines; incode documentation of all core functions |
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